
Become a GUAVA member!

GUAVA Memberships are open to all professional instructors and researchers teaching and conducting research on Vietnamese as a foreign language in the U.S and abroad. 

As a GUAVA member, you will have full access to our academic resources and support and opportunities to publish your work through our newsletters.  Active members will be able to attend our business meetings, run for the office, vote and participate in the process of shaping and expanding our organization. 

GUAVA membership dues:   30 USD/year or  55 USD/2 years

New and renewing members: Please send us GUAVA membership dues by one of these two methods:  

1) By PayPal: Send to <> account.  Please state in the subject line or in the note section the following: GUAVA dues for (your name, institution, amount, year)


-If sent from a US account:  Please make sure to select the “send to friends” option, NOT the “pay for service/business” option to avoid the 3% business transaction fee.

-If sent from an international account:  Please kindly add $2.75 for PayPal international transaction fee.

2) By Check:  Payable to Cornell University/GUAVA or Cornell University.  Please mail your check to our Executive Secretary:

Chung Nguyen

454 Riverside Drive 4C

New York, NY 10027