President’s Message

Dear GUAVA friends and colleagues,
Greetings! I hope this message finds you well. Since the reveal of our new and beautiful website in July 2021, much has changed. For the most part of the world, life is starting to return to near normalcy; classes resume in-person, people are traveling again, meetings and conferences are offered in various modalities. As social beings humans are, we are all eager to have an opportunity to reconnect with one another.
At GUAVA, a lot of things have also been in the works. In December 2021, we rolled out our first issue of the GUAVA Newsletter, and have since published the second issue in May 2022. This GUAVA own publication is an integral part of the new GUAVA, to provide our members and colleagues with updated information as well as highlight our achievements. The biannual newsletter is published in December and May, at the end of each academic semester. Do look out for our next issue in December 2022!
In the meantime, I am thrilled to announce GUAVA Connect, our new platform, created as a way to connect and collaborate with colleagues across all geographical areas and spectra of interests in Vietnamese language education. In the modern age we live in, while there is much information readily available online, we think the benefits of having personal connections are incomparable. Through GUAVA Connect, we will meet new as well as familiar faces (new faces who will soon be familiar!) to exchange and share ideas on topics and concerns beyond our interests and expertise. As we come together, we will share and learn from each other, to expand our knowledge and gain new insights, to reflect and have a deeper understanding of our own work. We think the relationships fostered from these networking events will be rewarding for our professional as well as personal development.
Our first GUAVA Connect event will be held on November 19, 2022. We are honored to have Dr. Nguyễn Thuỵ Anh, a well-known educator in children reading literacy as well as an advocate for women rights as our invited guest. On behalf of the GUAVA Executive Board, I look forward to joining you to welcome Dr. Nguyễn Thuỵ Anh to this inaugural event. Like you, I’m also excited to meet new colleagues and reconnect with the familiar ones soon!
With warmest regards,
Thúy Tranviet, PhD
President, GUAVA
November 2022