GUAVA Innovation Awards Now Open!
Call for Submission AY 2024-2025
These awards, offered by GUAVA, recognize outstanding, innovative, and transformative teaching of Vietnamese Language Education. Three prizes ranging between $150 and $300 will be awarded this year. The award winners will be featured on our blog/website.
GUAVA is pleased to announce the “GUAVA Innovation Awards” to recognize outstanding, innovative, and transformative teaching of Vietnamese language education. Three prizes, ranging between $150 and $300, will be awarded for AY 2024-2025. The award winners will be featured on our website.
We invite proposals showcasing innovative teaching and learning methods, including the use of technology in the classroom. Eligible innovations must have been implemented in courses offered between Summer 2022 and Fall 2024. Proposals of online, blended, or face-to-face (F2F) courses will all be considered. Only GUAVA Members are eligible to apply.
Awards Categories
We welcome submissions in the following categories:
- Instructional Innovation: This category recognizes creative teaching strategies, methods or learning activities that enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. Submissions may include unique approaches, interdisciplinary projects, or creative use of classroom resources.
- Education Technology: This category celebrates the development and implementation of innovative educational technology tools, apps, or platforms that improve teaching and learning. Submissions may highlight new tech solutions or effective technology integration in classrooms.
- Community Engagement: This category recognizes initiatives that strengthen ties between schools, families, and communities. Submissions may include programs showcasing involvement, cross-cultural understanding, or resource sharing.
- Professional Development: This category recognizes innovative approaches to educator professional growth. Submissions may include creation of peer learning communities or resources that support teachers’ ongoing professional development.
Evaluation Criteria:
Each submission will be evaluated based on three key criteria. The most innovative, impactful, and scalable proposals in each category will be chosen as the award recipients.
- Level of Innovation: The degree to which the submission presents novel, creative, and pioneering ideas, tools, or practices.
- Impact on Student Learning: The demonstrated or potential impact of the innovation on improving academic performance, skill development, and overall student growth.
- Potential for Broader Application: The potential for the innovation to be scaled and implemented effectively across Vietnamese classrooms.
The committee will evaluate each submission holistically based on these three key criteria. The most innovative, impactful, and scalable proposals within each category will be selected as the award recipients. Award winners will give a presentation at GUAVA Awards Submit.
Timeline and Procedure
Application Deadline: March 31, 2025
Winner Announcement: May 1, 2025
Awards Presentation and Ceremony May 20, 2025
How to apply
To apply, please submit the following by March 31, 2025:
- 500-word executive summary describing the innovation
- Each applicant submit only one innovation (individual or group)
- Supporting materials (e.g. photos, videos, sample resources)
Submissions should be sent to with the subject line “AY 2024-2025 GUAVA Innovation Awards Application”